So I'm back here. I feel like I now have the time to blog, and maybe even something to blog about.
The past month and a half has been... solid, I guess. I've gone to a few shows at Trepid, seen a few movies, the usual. Midterms were absolute hell, and my marks aren't where they should be. I have to fix that.
The reason why I thought about blogging again is because of a dream I had last night. I rarely, if ever, remember my dreams, but I can recall this one pretty vividly. I'm not going to get into specifics, because that's not necessary nor is it interesting. Basically, I had a conversation with someone that I used to be involved with. It was strange to hear his side of the story, especially since I've been wanting to have that conversation with him for quite a while.
Also, he looked pretty fat. What's with that?
it's because he's gross.
a gross fatty.
a gross meanie fatty pants.
so there.
i know! he's been eating for two.
also, the "word verification" thingy to leave a comment was "imakunt". whatthehell
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