On tuesday I ended up in Stratford with my mom (yes, again; she has this week off, and because of the weather, she's having a stay-cation), and even though we weren't able to see a play, as all of the discounted tickets were sold out, and we weren't prepared to pay $102.95 per ticket. We wandered around and checked out all of the little shops around Stratford, and ate at a restaurant called Othello's. Once we were back in town, I picked up a couple of rolls of film that I had dropped off last week, and ended up being offered a job at the camera place. I'm not sure if I'll take the job or not, because as much as I complain about Pharma Plus, I have it made there, and I'm not sure if it's worth it to give up a solid job to work in a field I'm sort of interested in. Plus, I'll hopefully be gone for most of the winter, and if I continue to work at Pharma Plus, at least I'll have a job to come back to upon my return.
Speaking of being gone for the winter, GeoVisions called! I missed their call because I didn't hear my phone go off, but I left a message for them on Tuesday, and I'm supposed to call them sometime today. I'll do that once I finish this.
After work yesterday I hung out with one of my favourites, Michel, who is finally back in town. We went out for a late dinner, and I had an awkward run in with a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in months. I think he was on a date, and I was just giggly and awkward for no reason, so I wouldn't say that it went well. And I further proved to myself that I'll be alone forever after talking to a ridiculously cute waiter, and not asking for his number. Greeeeeeat.
That description makes it sound like last night was awful, but I actually had a a lot of fun! Today, I'm doing some housework, going to drum lessons and then I'm off to try hot yoga! If I don't die in the process, I'll be back with a full report. I also rented Man On Wire and 12 Monkeys yesterday, so hopefully I'll get to watching one of those tonight.
Also, there's a trailer out for the new Coen Brothers film, A Serious Man. It looks incredible!