It seems that all I ever do on this thing is recap my day-to-day living, so why stop now?
Yesterday, Anna and I ventured over to Queen of Hearts Costumes and I finally bought what is perched atop my head as I type, a Native headdress! Unfortunately, the Devo costume doesn't look like it's going to work out, so this Native headdress is my main squeeze on Halloween.
Last night I went out on a little date with Michel, and we saw Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I liked the movie, as it definitely delivered on the 'cute' front. It's been a while since I've seen a movie in which I didn't mind leaving to go to the bathroom/buy snacks, which is indicative of the content, I think. I'd give it a 7/10.
Today seemed like a flashback to a year ago, as I slept in and walked home from school, which are two things that I made a habit of last year. Actually, this whole season feels like a flashback. On one hand, it's a good thing, as last fall was memorable to say the least, but on the other hand, it's not really fair to constantly compare the present and the past. I feel like I should be more focused on the present and, of course, the future.
Anyway, there's a Ryerson seminar at school tomorrow, and the nerd within me is squirming in their seat.
Oh, and I found a really neat bench/record storage space combo in my basement, and I've already claimed it as mine. I hope to take it with me when I move out. Hurrah!
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