T'was a great day.
Anna went to the UWO conference thing, which ended up being a source of much entertainment! As you may or may not know, Western is considered a bit of a "bro-versity", and somewhere that we generally want to avoid. So when Anna emerged from the seminar, we grabbed the information from her arms too see what this place was all about.
I found a popped collar within 10 seconds.
Anyway, we started watching the original 1963 version of Lord of the Flies in English, which I'm really enjoying, if just for the unintentional surreal nature and unintentional humour! It's shot in very faded black and white, and for the first five minutes or so, the lines were delivered stunningly slowly! Also, Ralph is easily the ugliest boy on the island, while Jack is the most, dare I say, attractive? And Simon looks like a young Thom Yorke! What is going on?!
So I spent most of today pondering those questions. We got our yearbooks today, and as usual, everyone looks hilarious. Especially a certain person.
After school, Dunners, Kylie and I went uptown for some 1842 smoothies, and we generally bummed around till Dunners went to work. I picked up Music Has The Right To Children by Boards of Canada from Orange Monkey, which I have yet to listen to. I'll do that soon.
Filming was cancelled today, since we all agreed that we need better locations. We're hoping to get something done on Sunday.
This weekend is lookin' fine, by the way. I have not one, but two Trepid shows to look forward to, the University fair in Toronto, and a Sunday off!
Oh, and those headphones have been on my mind for days!
b) First page you turned to: popped collar.
a)you rock
b)dunners gets old quick
c)two trepid shows, what's better than that?
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