When I came back, well, it was kind of a shitstorm. My hours had been mysteriously cut in half at work (not cool.), and even though I've added an extra nine hours since then, I've decided to put hot yoga on the back burner, simply because of the cost. On the sort-of plus side, I picked up a few shifts during the film festival, though only one of them is at the AGO. And I have to pick up my shirt for TIFF this week, which means I have to show ID, which puts the whole volunteer position in jeopardy. Hopefully, they won't look at my age.
Now on the plus side, I received another email from GeoVisions, asking for a letter to the prospective family that I'd be staying with. So I have to get around to writing that. I also finally found some tiny water balloons, so I can continue my attempts at painting! And I never mentioned how the art sale went. While I only sold one print, and it rained almost the entire time, I still had a lot of fun, and... I kind of met someone there? Maybe? I don't know, we'll see how everything works out.
Now, I'm just trying to pack as much into the last few weeks on summer as possible. I'm in Toronto on thursday, Inglorious Basterds comes out on friday, and friends of mine are having a farewell tea party on saturday. I'm starting to get a bit jealous of everyone who's leaving town for school, but I think I'm really starting to enjoy what's going on in my life.

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